Cute DIY gift ideas for Valentines day 2021

Hand written letter

Cute DIY gift ideas for your loved ones to give this Valentines day 2021

To love your significant other there is no day, because you can love them every day and show them your ultimate love any time. As we are living in this world where days are associated with different and special days. As this pandemic has ruined so much if our plans don’t let it flop our love. You can gift these to even your parents your siblings too because they are your loved ones too.So if you really want to show them that you love them you can make cute diy gifts for your love from scratch. So here we are with Cute DIY gift ideas for Valentines day 2021. You don’t have to spend pennies on those gifts. We are here to help you so here are some ideas to help you rock.

So here is the list of gifts:

  • Reasons why I Love you.
    Jar full of reasons why you love someone.

Cute DIY gift ideas, Reasons why I Love you
Reasons why I Love you
  • Kisses for each month you have known them.

    Box of lipstick marks on paper about 12 or any number for each month of the year. We know 12 are not enough, but you can do it in person. P.s for this DIY you have to use lipstick. (Wink, wink)

Cute DIY gift ideas , Kisses
  • Nail and thread heart.

    Nail and thread heart, its pretty easy than it sounds.

Cute DIY gift ideas , thread and nail art

  • Hand drawn puns.

Some Hand drawn puns.

Cute DIY gift ideas , Puns
  • Cute DIY box.

    Exploding  box, with pictures of you together or chocolates its up to you.

Cute DIY gift ideas ,Cute DIY box
Cute DIY box
  • DIY card.

    A cute card made with you memories spent together.

Cute DIY card
Cute DIY card
  • Hand written letter.

    Personal hand written letter, just expressing how much they mean to you.

Hand written letter
Hand written letter
  • Balloon with message.

    A balloon  blown and a cute message inside it.

Secret message in balloons
Secret message in balloons
  • Roses

    Give them just simple roses for each month you have known and loved them, and gift them on valentines day.

Red Roses
Red Roses

Lets get started and put your brain to work in lovely way. You can learn step by step how to make these DIYs

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