Author Archives: Lazy Koala

Friends American sitcom: Reunion 2023

Friends American sitcom Could we be anymore in love with Friends. From 1994 to this [...]

Success: Definition of success is different for everyone.

Definition of success is different for everyone. All women are heroes and we don’t need [...]

When you were in love with me

When you were in love with me Breaths were so light Life was all it [...]

Cute DIY gift ideas for Valentines day 2021

Cute DIY gift ideas for your loved ones to give this Valentines day 2021 To [...]

14 August “Happy birthday Pakistan”

Happy Birthday Pakistan 14 August independence day Pakistan! It’s incredible to think that you are [...]

Say no to suicide: life is beautiful give it a chance

  Ending is not always the answers sometimes facing the thing and continuing is also [...]

Derek Chauvin found guilty of racism

In a garden where there are different kinds of flowers that blooms, they are of [...]